The patriotic Lomachenko shows out with a hard fought unanimous decision!
In Tonights fight Lomachenko defeats Ortiz to get one step closer to getting an undisputed title shot.
Starting with the first round , Lomachenko tends to be a slow starter, it will be interesting to see if ring
rust will catch up to him. Ortiz starts early with his jabs then a four punch combination. Right after that
Lomachenko responds with a combination to the upper body. After that a few jabs from both here and there concluding
first round 10 – 9 for Ortiz.
The second round starts with Lomachenko being bruised in his right eye , that doesn’t stop him as he comes up and throws
a straight left hand. Ortiz comes back stronger with counterpunches and some uppercuts making a solid round for himself.
Ending again 10-9 for Ortiz.
The third round is where we see lomachenko try to assert his dominance as he attacks Ortiz to the body making
him take a deep breath ,Ortiz throws back a powerful right hand but Lomachenko hits back even harder with a right hand
to the chin, ending the round in his favor 10-9 for Lomachenko.
In the fourth round Lomachenko throws a quick jab but Ortiz follows with a quick uppercut.
Lomachenko then tries to add an unanswered right through Oritz’s guard but he blocks it.
A short left then lands for the Ukrainian but they’re quickly tangled up in the clinch again, it is clear that Ortiz
dominated this round which ended in his favor, 10-9 for Ortiz.
Round 5 strats with Lomachenko is looking to commit more to Ortiz’s body now and scores with a combination.
He shows a bit more urgency from the former unified champion this round as he has Ortiz on his back foot early on. Ortiz stands firm with a few punches.
He scores with a right hand moments later. Left hook lands for Lomachenko. It was a much better round for Lomachenko, endingin his favour 10-9 for Lomachenko.
The sixth round starts diffrent as Lomachenko changes his level, lunging with a left to the body of Ortiz who seems to be in pain as Lomachenko continues. Ortiz is slowing down now and a right hand from Lomachenko gets around his guard and lands. There is some swelling under Ortiz’s left eye. Another right hand lands for Ortiz. but Lomachenko counters with a left secures the sixth round too ending in 10-9 for Lomachenko.
In the seventh round Lomachenko is trying to read Ortiz’s change in stance, but Ortiz throws a combination that only partially connects. Lomachenko responds with a short right hand and then a combination to the body seconds later.
10-9 for Lomachenko.
In round 8 Ortiz hits Lomachenko with a strong right hand to start the round, and follows it up with a left-right combination that grazes Lomachenko. Ortiz is having a strong round so far. He ends the round with a right hand to Lomachenko’s midsection. Ending 10-9 for Ortiz.
Round 9 Lomachenko starts the round by landing a series of punches on Ortiz from different angles.
Ortiz tries to fight back but Lomachenko’s punches are too fast and too strong. Lomachenko continues to landing punches on Ortiz, who is now resorting to holding. Lomachenko scores with a sneaky left and Ortiz responds with a right uppercut.
Ortiz is fighting a solid fight, but he can’t keep up with Lomachenko’s speed and power. Lomachenko wins the round 10-9.
The 10th round Lomachenko starts the round with a quick left hand that gets Ortiz’s attention.
He follows up with another left that lands cleanly on Ortiz’s head. Ortiz tries to fight back,
but Lomachenko is too quick for him and scores with a body shot followed by a left that sends Ortiz backpedaling.
Lomachenko finishes the round strong with a hard left uppercut that staggers Ortiz. The fights ends again 10-9 for Lomachenko.
In the 11th round Lomachenko connects with a left-right combination that ends with a hard shot to Ortiz’s temple.
They’re in the clinch and Lomachenko goes to work again with a left to the body and a right across the jaw.
This is the kind of deep, sustained pressure that Lomachenko loves. His stinging jab is finding its mark more and more.
Another left-right combination connects as they break from the clinch. 10-9 for Lomachenko.
In the 12th and final round Ortiz tries to assert the jab at the start of the round, but Lomachenko quickly scores with a right hand. Lomachenko sticks a left hand in that connects, followed by a right to Ortiz’s body. Ortiz ducks out of harm’s way and springs up to tag Lomachenko with a right seconds later. Lomachenko is the more accurate fighter this round, landing several punches in quick succession. The round ends with both fighters still throwing punches. 10-9 for Lomachenko.
In the end Lomachenko wont the battle by unanimous decison and became one step closer to getting a shot at
becoming a champion.
Written by Dinart Xhezairi.

MMA Loki news room staff
